Grading Scale
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
F = 59 and below
Honor Roll - The Sandusky High School Honor Roll is computed at the end of each nine weeks grading period. Students earning a 3.2 or better receive an Honor Roll certificate for the respective nine weeks grading period. When computing the honor roll, grades are given the following value: regular courses: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1 and F=0; advanced placement (AP) courses: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, F=0. A student must have an average of 3.2 or better to be on the Honor Roll with no grades lower than a C. A student must have a 4.0 or higher G.P.A. to be on the Principals’ Honor Roll with no grades lower than a C.
Academic Varsity Letters and Pins
To promote and recognize educational excellence at Sandusky High School, Academic Varsity Letters and Pins will be awarded to students who have distinguished themselves through their Academic Achievement, Academic Activities, and Academic Honors. The following are criteria for awarding Academic Varsity Letters and Pins.
I. All academic achievement points must be accumulated from Sandusky High School and within the first eight (8) semesters of attendance.
II. A student must accumulate twenty (20) points to be awarded an academic letter. This letter will be awarded at the end of the third grading period in which it was earned at the Annual Awards Program. If a senior earns a letter or pin during his/her fourth grading period, that award will be available after that fourth grading period.
III. A student will receive another award (bar or pin) for each twenty (20) points accumulated beyond the original twenty point letter. These level awards will also be awarded at the end of the third grading period of the year in which they were earned. The same exception to fourth grading period seniors (Section 2)
IV. The points may be accumulated from the following areas:
Academic Achievement
The student will be awarded points from only one honor roll per grading period. 1. Principal's Honor Roll - 4 1/2 points (4.0 or higher GPA)
2. Honor Roll - 3 points (3.2 or higher GPA)
Academic Activities
1. Sandusky Academic Challenge Team. With each complete year of participation on the Sandusky Academic Challenge Team one (1) point will be awarded.
2. Upon the successful completion of requirements for an Honors Diploma two (2) points will be awarded.
1. Upon induction into the National Honor Society, the student will receive one (1) point.
2. High ACT scores will be rewarded one time based on the best score
3. A composite score of twenty-two (22) to twenty-four (24) will award the student one (1) point.
4. A composite score of over twenty-four (24) will award the student two (2) points.
5. High SAT scores will be rewarded one time based on the best score.
- A composite score of 1000 to 1100 will award the student one (1) point.
- A composite score over 1100 will award the student two (2) points.
6. National Merit Scholarship Honors:
- Commendation - three (3) points
- Semi-finalist - four (4) points
- Finalist - five (5) points