Entrance Criteria
Children must be identified as gifted according to Ohio's State Standards (typically 95th percentile or higher) or emerging (90th percentile or higher) in at least of the following areas:
Superior Cognitive Ability
Specific Academic Area: Math
Specific Academic Area: Reading/Writing
Specific Academic Area: Science
Specific Academic Area: Social Studies
Creative Thinking Ability
Visual Arts
Music (this could be vocal or instrumental)
Per Ohio Law, incoming test scores must be less than 24 months old at time of application for the purpose of new identifications. Previous valid gifted identification records from other Ohio districts will also be accepted. Opportunities for possible identification will be provided throughout the year for services to be offered no later than the following school year.
*The Ohio Department of Education does not have offer an approved dance behavior checklist for students younger than 14 years. Therefore, students will only be identified as emerging in this area until the state approves the tool necessary to identify students as gifted.