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Voice Recognition

Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer

Treasurer's Department

Yvonne Anderson CFO/Treasurer

Zachary Meyers Assistant Treasurer

Mandy Martin Accounts Payable

Katy Herman Payroll

Julia Bittiinger Purchase Orders/Scholarships

Our Vision:
We believe in fiscal accountability for guardianship of proper use of your public dollars. The Finance Department of the Sandusky City Schools oversees all fiscal operations of the school district. These operations include financial forecasting, budgeting, grant management, payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable and employee and district insurance programs. 

Our Mission:
It is the mission of Treasurer’s department to serve the employees, vendors, students, families, and community for financial services and reporting of the district. Current monthly financial reports for all funds of the District are available in the Forms link to the right.

What are we?
We are the department responsible for all financial transactions pertaining to local, state, and federal funding. Our taxpayers deserve to be aware of the financial future for the optimal educational experience of our most cherished assets, students of Sandusky City Schools. 
Financial forecasting is an integral component of the operation of the school district, culminating with the reporting to the State of Ohio through the Five Year Forecast. The five-year forecast is constantly being updated with revised information and is used, to assist, in planning for budgeting, staffing and future requests for funding. In reviewing the Five Year Forecast it is important to note that future years include projected additional tax issues that are necessary to maintain a positive balance. It is also important to note that the most recent forecast shown here is the forecast that has most recently been approved by the Board of Education for submission to the Ohio Department of Education and not necessarily the most recent forecast used for planning purposes. 

The Sandusky City Schools have been very fortunate to be the recipients of generous memorial trust and scholarship funds. These funds have been instrumental in financing the many enrichment programs that set our district apart and in seeing many of our graduating seniors into and through college. These funds have been left in the care of the district and are restricted in use, and therefore not available for day to day operational expenditures. The complete year-end report of these funds is available to the right.

The finances of the Sandusky City School District are subject to annual audit procedures. The District prepares its annual CAFR and the Auditor of State conducts its audit of the CAFR and issues an opinion on the financial statements. CAFR’s, including audit opinion letters, are available through the links to the right.

Who are we?
We are the staff supporting our dedicated employees, administrators, parents, and community in providing fiscal services. Our staff can be reached at the following:

"Ask the CFO"

Ask the CFO
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District Capital Plan 2025-2030

Scholarship and Memorial Trust Fund Reports

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