As required by law, the board of education establishes the following nutrition and wellness policy
The Sandusky City Schools Board of Education recognizes the important connection between a healthy diet, safe and enjoyable physical activity and a student’s ability to learn effectively and achieve high standards in school. The board also recognizes the school’s role, as part of the larger community, to promote family health, lifelong physical activity, the local economy, sustainable agriculture and environmental restoration. The board recognizes that the sharing of food is a fundamental experience for all people; a primary way to nurture and celebrate diversity; and an excellent bridge for building friendships and intergenerational bonds.
The district shall establish a Nutrition and Wellness Policy Committee with the following representation: board of education, administration, food service, health education, physical education, athletics, parent/guardian, students and community. This committee will coordinate the district’s nutrition and wellness policy initiatives and provide assessment of the nutrition and wellness policy compliance. Building level teams consisting of the building principal or his/her designee, staff, physical education teachers, food service representative, parents and students will be established at each school building. Their role will be to assess the compliance of their building and make recommendations to improve and promote a healthy school environment for staff and students.
The Superintendent shall establish administrative guidelines for the following goal areas:
- Nutrition Education
- Physical Education
- Physical Activity
- School Environment
- Food Service
- Professional Development
Review of this policy shall occur every five (5) years, by the Nutrition and Wellness Policy Committee consisting of a representative(s) of the board of education, administration, food service, physical education, athletics, health care professionals, parent/guardian, students and community. The committee shall provide the board with any recommended changes to this policy.