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Voice Recognition

Elementary Athletics & Activities - "S.E.A.A."

S.E.A.A. - Sandusky Elementary Athletics & Activities

Todd Downing is the Elementary Athletics & Activities Director.  

Please send any questions to: [email protected].  

Mr. Downing can also be reached by phone at: 419-984-1076.
Mission Statement: To provide fun and educational opportunities where students can develop skills and understanding through athletics and activities to help them become effective student athletes!
Sandusky Elementary Athletics and Activities Feedback

PARENTS: Please return completed survey to any Elementary school or to the athletic office.

TEACHERS: Please hand forms in to the main office. They can mail forms to Todd Downing in the athletic Office.

Which sport are you providing feedback about?
What is your overall rating of the activity/sport offered? (On a scale of 1-10)
Do you feel your child gained a better understanding about the sport?
Do you feel your child’s skills improved?
How do you feel about the length of the season? (On a scale of 1-10)
How do you feel about the organization/communication? (On a scale of 1-10)
Do you know the school offers free physicals in May?
Do/Would you take advantage of using the free physicals?
Please select all that you follow us on:

How do you learn about our school district’s opportunities for students?
What future activity/sport would you like for us to offer for your child?
What is something you liked most about our program?
What is something you would like us to improve on?
Suggestions or other comments about the program?
Your Name:
Your Email:

To validate your submission, please answer the following math problem:

captcha math problem
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